Windows Shortcuts

Fun with Java Script!

Allright, alot of this isn't so much practical as it is flashy and fun, but if you are reading this, you are an experienced computer user, right? If not, go here. But what this will show you are a few tricks with Java Scrip that you can use with Internet Explorer. To begin, just look below!

Find Last Modified
Be sure that you are ingesting the freshest web content. Although I'm not sure when or where you would use this (maybe a news site?) it will allow you to see the last time the web page you are looking at has been updated.

Keep Internet Explorer open, but in the address bar type "javascript:alert(document.lastModified)" without the quotes. This should open up an alert message that will give you a date and a time. This is the last time the web page you are looking at was updated.

You may notice that a lot of the bigger sites say that they were created the very second you call the function. That can't be right, can it? Many websites are created or automatically updated when you link to them, so there is no "last modified" information. Also, please remember that some web servers are not keeping real time, and also remember time zone differences.

The Personal Message
You can make the alert message say anything you want. In the Internet Explorer Address bar, try typing javascript:alert("Brent is the coolest webmaster in history!") and press [Enter] on the keyboard. You can put your own name or message in the quotes instead of mine. Go ahead, try it!

Stealing Website Backgrounds
This one is just for those of you who build web-pages. Ever looked at a site, and seen a background color that you really like? Just put javascrip:alert(document.bgColor) into the address bar and press [Enter]. This alert window will give you the hexidecimal code for the background color of that website. Unfortunatly, this will not work for background pattern file names, but if you right click on the background, you should be able to save the background file image. But you didn't learn that one from me, got it? GOT IT? Don't make me break your legs.

This is one of those that is more for show than use. In the Internet Explorer Address bar, type javascrip:alert(2+2) and press [Enter]. This should produec a java script alert with the answer of 4. Change the values and the problem type in the parenthesis, like 6*3 or 7/4, and you should receive the answer.

If you ask me, which you didn't but if you did, I'd say that using the windows calculator is much easier. Like I said, this one is mainly for show.

So if you have any more Java Script tips, just e-mail me by clicking on the envelope below, and I'll probably post them.

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