By performing any technical support steps or adice on this web-site, you fully understand and claim responsibility for the outcome of your actions. Brent's Brain and it's staff will not be responsible for the results of any of actions taken due to the content of this site.

If you are unsure of or uncomfortable performing any of the suggested steps contained on Brent's Brain, please have a computer-knowlegeable friend assist you, or call technical support for your computer or your Internet Service Provider. Do not do anything you are unsure of, or that you think could possibly damage your computer. As I've already said, if you do damage your computer, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE!

Most of the information on this page should be easy to follow, and in no-way should it have damaging effects. I just needed to post that to cover my own ass. And please lock your vehicle. Brent's Brain will also not be responsible for lost or stolen items.

Thank you.